Apollo 2 Help

Apollo 2 Quick Reference Guide

The Homepage

The homepage is built completely by you in Apollo 2. Homepages are meant to be the front page of your website, and can be as visually or information oriented as you desire. Learn more about how to build a page or how to assign a page as your homepage.

The Apollo 2 Editor

The editor you will use, meaning the interface you will see on the screen, is a little different. The new editor is much more visual, and is built using blocks to plug components into each page. All pages will be edited through the Classic Editor until you make the choice to edit the page in the Block Editor.

Learn About Blocks

Apollo 2 Supports a number of blocks that you can use in your pages to make rich content. Links to these blocks are available blow.

Add Contact Information to the Visual Footer

If you aren’t sure where to start, a good starting point is to setup the visual footer on your site. Contact information is an important draw for your site visitors and they will often look for it in the footer. It only takes a few minutes to fill in contact information for your footer, then you can begin creating and editing the pages on your site.

Learn about Footer Widgets

Training for Apollo 2 is available by contacting us or through a video available on the Training Videos web page.