Customizing the Publication is done through the Customizer. This is where you can select options that affect the look of your publication as a whole, such as, a logo and the main navigation menu.
The Customizer
From the Dashboard navigation menu, click on Appearance and then choose Customize (either on the Themes page or from the drop down menu).
Customizer Options
Add your publication’s name in the Site Title field. If you have an icon with your publication’s logo on it, you can upload that here and it will appear as a favicon for site visitors.
A Favicon is an icon associated with your publication that will be displayed in the browser’s address bar or next to the site’s name in a bookmark list.
Choose the Issue you want to appear on your publication’s homepage. This will need to be updated manually with each new issue as they are released.
Enter in your department’s official Twitter username in this area and visitors will be able to tweet your articles from their account.
This where you choose the font combination and the color palette for your overall publication. Think of this as the default design scheme for your publication. Font combinations and color schemes can be specifically set for individual articles if they need to look different from the main publication. For example, you might want to use the “Gator Nation” font setting for an article because it is relevant to the article’s content, but the publication’s fonts will not change.
Color palettes are a combination of 3 colors, with an added neutral color (typically white) and black. The colors are listed in the drop-down menu in the following order: Primary, Complimentary, Tertiary. Learn how to make your own custom color palettes.
This is where you can upload the logo image for your publication and choose a background color for the header. Logos will be resized to a specific height or width to fit in the header space.
You are given 4 color settings that change the placement of colors from your chosen color palette in the footer area. Note: If you do not want to see the border, choose a border color that is the same as the footer background color.
In this area, you can further customize the main publication’s site navigation by adding pages, articles, links, etc, to the main menu. To add a new item to the main menu, click on the Primary menu option, then click on Add Items, select one or more items from options given, and a checkmark should appear once that item has been added. Then Save & Publish your customizations, and you should see the new item appear in the main menu.