How to Log in
You can log into Bridge with a UF Gatorlink username or Shands username and password. When you are on the UF or Shands campus you are able to log directly into Bridge. You may be logged in automatically if you log into your computer with your UF or Shands credentials. Off-campus access is restricted and requires the use of a VPN before logging in.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) for Off-campus Access
The Bridge is housed behind a firewall. Access to UF Health Bridge is restricted to on-campus computers or those using the UF VPN (Virtual Private Network).
To restrict access to the Bridge, a VPN is used to encrypt and route authenticated traffic past the firewall and to the internal resources. Authentication for access is through the VPN with Gatorlink or Shands credentials. Use one of the authorized VPN options and sign in with the appropriate authentication. This is a security measure intended to protect PHI and other sensitive data.
For technical assistance with the VPN, please contact the IT Help Desk at 352-265-0526 (Gainesville) or (904) 244-7828 (Jacksonville).
The Bridge Homepage
The Bridge homepage gives you an “at-a-glance” or snapshot of what is happening in the UF Health community. From events around campus to updates on activities in your collaboration groups, the homepage is there to keep you informed so you are kept in “the loop.” The homepage also acts as a direct line to you from the organization’s leadership team to communicate important information, promote philanthropy through the organization, and keep faculty and staff focused goals such as providing quality service to patients and promoting practices that protect patients.
Main Menu
Through the Main Menu system, you have quick access to UF Health and Shands policies, service requests, and collaborative tools such as groups.

Hover Menu
As you hover your mouse over the Main Menu options, you will see an expanded menu appear beneath each option.

Utility Belt
The area above the header is called the Utility Belt. This area gives you quick access to your files, links, groups and notifications from anywhere on Bridge.