Recent Posts Block

The Recent Posts block will display a few of the most recently published posts from your site in a card style format. The block will display the first three Posts as cards and older Posts will appear in a fourth column to the right.

Metrics in Google Analytics 4

Category: Help Articles

What do these new metrics in Google Analytics 4 mean? Below is a list of the default metrics in a Pages and Screens report to help define some of…

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Block Settings

This block can be set to show all recently published posts on the website, or only posts within a certain category. Settings for the block are visible in the right-side settings panel once the block is selected.

From Category – The drop-down menu allows you to select a specific category of Post to display in the block or you can choose to show “All Posts”.

Post Dates – This can be toggled on or off in the settings panel on the right side. This will only effect how the card displays the information, and will not remove or turn on this setting for the post itself.

Post Summary – You can manually change the excerpt by editing the post, and pasting the text of the excerpt that you want in the “Excerpt” option. In the Block Editor, this is found on the right side panel. This can be toggled on or off in the settings panel on the right side. This will only effect how the card displays the information, and will not remove or turn on this setting for the post itself. The summary text is an automated excerpt of the Post content.

Post Images – This setting will cause the Featured Image for the post to appear at the top of the card and can be toggled on or off in the settings panel on the right side. This will only effect how the card displays the information, and will not remove or turn on this setting for the post itself. The summary text is an automated excerpt of the Post content.

Custom Secondary Heading – Changing this setting will effect what heading that displays over the top of the fourth column of stories. By default this heading will read “News in brief”.

Custom Link Text – The text at the bottom of the cards can be customized in this field to display something aside from the default “Read Story ” text.

Button Text – You can edit the text of the button that appears in the last column from the default “All Posts” by typing in your desired text in this field.

Button Link (URL) – Add a desired URL to this field to make the button direct visitors to a specific area of the site. It’s best if the URL directs them to a page or location that they can read more posts on.