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Section Block

The section block is a block that acts as a container for other blocks, which helps ensure that the blocks within it will display as intended. Section blocks are only available for “Homepage” page templates. General Settings Sections with different background color and pattern options chosen. The section block…

Section Heading Block

The Section Heading block allows you to add a stylized heading for a section block. This block will change depending on the settings for the section block’s background color so the text is readable.

Cards Block

The Cards block helps you create a row or grid of “cards” that can be used to highlight and draw more attention to special or featured content on the site. You may want to highlight some specific programs people can apply for or new residents joining your department using this…

Flip Flop Block

The Flip Flop block allows you to feature a photo or video prominently with text and buttons placed on either the left or right side. Content Settings Subtitle – the subtitle field displays text above the title of the block.  Title – title text will appear as the largest text…

Calendar Block

The Calendar block enables you to add a calendar feed to your page from one of three sources: Google Calendar SharePoint Calendar You can add a “Featured Event” to you Calendar block, as well, that will allow you to add a visual element to help promote a particular…

Stats Block

The Stats block lets you create a horizontal list of information such as rankings or statistics to place on your page. This block is limited to 12 “stats”. Common uses for this block include: Number of department facultyPrograms offeredNational rankingsTime frame of note Example…

Recent Posts Block

The Recent Posts block will display a few of the most recently published posts from your site in a card style format. The block will display the first three Posts as cards and older Posts will appear in a fourth column to the right.

Tag Cloud Block

The Tag Cloud block will display a list of tags on your site in 1-4 columns. You can choose the number of columns to use in the Inspector Panel on the right-hand side of the screen. Note: this block will only display tags added to posts on the site. Tags…

Audio Block

The Audio block allows you to embed a simple audio player into your page. With the Audio block, you can use an audio file you upload to the Media Library or a link to a file URL. Audio Settings Autoplay – Toggle this on or off to have the audio…