How to share events to your calendar

Sharing an event from another calendar on to your calendar is a few simple button clicks. You can browse through events on other calendars, then click a share button to the right of the event title that will share the event and any updates made to it to your calendar so you have the updated information on your calendar for that shared event automatically!

screenshot of the events screen with the cursor placed over a share button for an event
This screenshot of the Events page listing shows that the calendar of events selected to view is “Training and Testing”. The cursor is placed over the icon that shares the event with the calendar the user manages.

How to Share an Event

To share an event with your calendar, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on the UF Health Calendar option in the navigation menu
  3. Select Events from the submenu
  4. Select the calendar of events you’d like to view, such as “Training and Testing Calendar” to the left of the events listing, to see the events for that calendar.
  5. Click the icon to the right of the event title that looks like a share icon on top of a calendar.
  6. Select the calendar to share the event with.
  7. Click the “Select” button.
screenshot of the events screen with the cursor placed over a unshare button for an event
This screenshot of the Events page listing shows that the calendar of events selected to view is “Training and Testing”. The cursor is placed over the icon that unshares the event with the calendar the user manages.

How to Remove/Unshare an Shared Event

Events that have been shared to your calendar can be removed. The steps for this are below:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on the UF Health Calendar option in the navigation menu
  3. Select Events from the submenu
  4. Select your calendar from the list of calendars to the left of the events listing to see only your calendar’s events.
  5. Click on the icon to the left of the event title that looks like a calendar with a minus symbol overlaying it to unshare the event.
  6. Confirm the calendar you are unsharing the event from.
  7. Click the “Select” button.