What is a cache?

Websites and web browsers have a feature called a “cache.” This cache stores temporary versions of webpages to enhance your online experience and conserve resources for the website. There are different types of caches that can affect how you view updates on your website:

  • Browser Cache: This is your browser’s storage of previously visited webpage information on your computer. Each browser has its own cache on your computer to store the pages you visit online. Sometimes, these files are not replaced when you reload a page or may become corrupted, making it difficult for you to see website updates. Manually clearing this cache can resolve issues with viewing a website, changing default settings on a site (such as selecting an organization in MyTraining), and accessing old logins.
  • Website Cache: Websites are hosted on computers with a “web server” application running on them. These computers have a cache of the site’s content that should be updated after each save. However, sometimes this update does not occur, and the website cache needs to be cleared to display new updates for website visitors.

When caches encounter problems or conflicts, you may be shown an outdated version of a webpage. If clearing your browser’s cache does not resolve an issue for you, please inform Web Services, and we will investigate whether deleting the website’s cache can improve your situation.