Fall 2019 Conference

The “Behind the Web” mini-conference was held on October 2, 2019, from 9:00 am – 11:00 am in the MSB 6120 auditorium. 76 website administrators and editors were in attendance. This session was recorded, and some presentations have been made available below.

(Note: there is a laps in the audio due to a technical problem during the recording)


Apollo 2 Migration Update
Carlos Morales started off the presentations with a quick status update on the UF Health web presence and a retrospective of the Apollo 2 website theme launch.

New in Apollo 2
Myles Hyson walked through some of the newly released features for Apollo 2.

Apollo 2 Design Updates
Bill Columbia will introduced the audience to upcoming features in development for Apollo 2

User Presentation—Arts in Medicine
Sam Moss and Erin Hendryx with the Shands Arts in Medicine program walk the audience through the challenges faced for the AIM website prior to the migration to Apollo 2 and how they leveraged the tools and features available to them to meet their needs.

User Presentation—College of Pharmacy
Matt Splett with the with the College of Pharmacy walk the audience through the challenges faced for the College’s website prior to the migration to Apollo 2 and how the tools and features available were leveraged to meet the needs of the College.

MBI website Before and After —The McKnight Brain Institute
Todd Taylor and Jackie Hart with the McKnight Brain Institute walk the audience through the challenges faced for the MBI website prior to the migration to Apollo 2 and how they leveraged the tools and features available to them to meet their needs.

User Presentation—UF Health Cancer Center
Marilee Griffin with the UF Health Cancer Center walks the audience through the challenges faced on the Cancer Center website prior to the migration to Apollo 2 and how the tools and features available were used to meet the needs of the Center.

User Presentation—Health Outcomes & Biomedical Informatics
Kali Bowen
with the department of Health Outcomes & Biomedical Informatics walks the audience through the challenges faced for the HOBI website prior to the migration to Apollo 2 and how they leveraged the tools and features available to them to meet their needs.

The A/BC’s of Content Strategy
Nicole Wiesenthal
will go over a new site optimization program proven to bring in more conversions. Learn about the basics of how A/B Testing and heat mapping can be used to make improvements to your site.

The XYZ’s of Content Strategy
Jeff Stevens will continue the discussion of upcoming opportunities that will be available for content strategy help.