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How to link to content within the same page (in-page links)

Organizing content on a page can be hard for longer pages of content. You may be worried about the length of the information on you page, especially since top-loading your most important information is a good practice. A way to help your website’s visitors more easily find the…

How to link files from the Media Library

In order for visitors to your site to be able to see an uploaded file, you will need to make that file available online to them in some way. In this post, you will learn how to add your file or files to the internet and link to them from…

Learn about User Roles

User Roles are how Web Services is able to grant website editing access to individuals on a site. While WordPress has a number of default roles available, and some sites may have custom built roles, UF Health Web Services primarily uses two roles for website editing access. These roles are:…

Table block is new and improved!

The Table block has been redeveloped by Web Services to be easier to use, and offer more functionality then you’ve ever seen from a table before. Tables will now come with a new “interactive” feature that, when enabled, will allow you to search through the table’s data, sort by columns,…

How to link to content within the same page

Organizing content on a page can be hard for longer pages of content. You may be worried about the length of the information on you page, especially since top-loading your most important information is a good practice. A way to help your website’s visitors more easily find the…

Replace a File in the Media Library

Replacing or updating a file in your Media Library is a simple and quick process. No longer do you need to delete the file and upload the updated version. We provide a way through WordPress to update your files easily. Click on Media in the Dashboard Navigation…