Calendar Block

The Calendar block enables you to add a calendar feed to your page from one of three sources:

You can add a “Featured Event” to you Calendar block, as well, that will allow you to add a visual element to help promote a particular upcoming event alongside your list of events.

Calendar Block Settings

Block Settings

These settings effect the block’s basic functions and can be viewed in the Inspector Panel on the right side of the screen.

Calendar Subtitle – The subtitle is text that will appear just above the title. It’s use to give some context or categorization to the block, if needed.

Calendar Title – Gives your calendar block a name. By default, the title field will display “Upcoming Events”.

Calendar Type –  This setting gives you three choices to pull events from: Google, SharePoint, or Depending on what calendar type you choose, fields specific to that type will appear below in the Calendar Settings.

Calendar Settings

These settings pertain to the type of calendar this calendar block will display (Google, SharePoint, or and can be viewed in the Inspector Panel on the right side of the screen.

Featured Event

Show Featured Event – Turn this on or off by clicking on the toggle icon. Once toggled “on” you will have the option to add an image for your event, add title and event summary text, and create a button.

Calendar Block (with Featured Event)

Calendar Block

Example Events Calendar

View a live example of the Calendar block on the College of Medicine homepage.